Sunday, December 19, 2010

Review #704: The Show "DOB: Downman On Back Vol. 1"

Reviewed on 12.19.2010 (Review #704)

Already up ta review #6 for today: The Show “DOB: Downman On Back Vol. 1! Start Time: 3:08 PM | End Time: 4:05 PM

Quick Note: I rate each song from 1.0 – 5.0; each rating iz my own opinion!! I only please myself wit my ratings!! I don’t care how lyrical you are! As long as it’s jammin’ enough for me to like it! I look for beats, then vocals, and then lyrics. To determine my favorites, I will differ tha 4.0 ratings. If a song gets at least a 4.0 rating from me, I love it already. If at least a 4.6 rating, I pretty much REALLY LOVE it as it’s considered “mindblowin’” when I hear it. Any song can earn up to a maximum of a 5.0 rating. Anything I type before “ >>> ” iz what I’m sayin’ before I listen to tha song. Anything after I type “ >>> ” iz what I think of tha song while I’m listening to it.

© 2010 CD Review (Review #704) reviewed on 12.19.2010 by FrankieThaLuckyDog. Other than tha main artist or affiliated people with tha main artist, this review iz to not be used in anyone else’s words!

Source (Where I Got Tha CD From): N/A

01. “Angels”
How will you sound on dis CD? >>> Sounds like a tight beat intro so you know you got it on lock here! Switched to some New York music ‘round :45 but you got that hot beat sound ta back it up and your tight rappin’! VERY consistent and DEFINITELY listenable, no matter who you are!! My Rating: 4.4

02. “Power”
A five-minute freestyle? Let’s see… >>> Really likin’ tha rhymes; tha “Hot Boy era … hot boy? Neva” part was nice! Good shit, regardless of tha length! You got shit on lock here! How do you handle ta do SO MANY BARS all at once? It’s crazy!! My Rating: 4.3

03. “Betta Find My Luv”
>>> Kinda gross beat so I hope your rhymes help! Well, not really. Tha Auto-Tune sounded gay as fuck; doesn’t fit your style at all! Aren’t you too smart fa dat shit? Heavy deduction, unfortunately. Tha rhymes aren’t even that special. I rather hear a freestyle than your “own attempt” of a song. Luckily, tha rest didn’t have Auto-Tune but low interest for me. My Rating: 1.6

04. “Can’t Knoc The Hustle”
Uh no, not Jay-Z… >>> I’m gonna try not ta yawn. At least we’re in tha 90’s and not in tha Auto-Tune—“act like it’s cool”—phase! Yup, you makin’ tha beat become a head-banger and keepin’ tha hot rhymes goin’! Nice job on dis one, holdin’ it down! My Rating: 4.1

05. “Good Morning”
Looks like a kinda title you’d stick to; let’s hear it. >>> As soon as :10 came, tha interestin’ flow from you came, rapidly! Glad you rappin’ fast on dis beat; it results in more lyrics! Tha lyrical content izn’t that special like tha other songs, though. But, you got tha flow on lock. Tha hook sounds cheesy…; doesn’t even sound like somethin’ you’d spit… ROFL @ tha “banana” line! So many rhymes but a length over 4.5 minutes long? Kinda long/too much? Still good wit tha rhymes. Even a long outro? How many minuses iz that? Three? My Rating: 3.5

06. “Dueces”
Oh no, Chris Brown title… >>> Not bad wit how you comin’ through wit this. Tha rhymin’ iz definitely great once again. This iz kinda longer for me, too. I guess if it was a better beat, I’d like it more. You kept it goin’ tha whole way ‘round wit yourself, though. I like how you ended wit chuckin’ tha duece, lol. Also, tha long outro worked on this one. My Rating: 3.7

07. “B-Boy Stance”
>>> Now this iz a better beat. Tha length iz a lil’ longer, too; let’s see if it can hold up. Nice and consistent here; really feelin’ 1:25 – 1:28! Nice job wit makin’ this catchy as well as havin’ a catchy hook, too. Glad you got three verses ta this, too. I gave you some radio spins wit your last CD. Tha tracks fit in good wit tha shows I played ‘em in ‘cause of tha excitement surrounding it (meaning tha other songs I played)! My Rating: 4.2

½time: Pretty good CD over jacked beats; I’ll give you props. You always have tha really hot rhymes! So far, only a 3.7 CD rating; hope you can boost it after that tragic #3!

08. “East Side Mobbin’”
Uh no, lol… >>> Sounds interestin’ when you rap on it. Good job wit tha 1st verse. I dunno if you should’ve shouted out “Kane” on tha hook unless you personally know him. Then, that’s an exception. Sounded like someone else was on tha 2nd verse? Either way, still holdin’ it down. These freestyles should be no more than, ‘round, 3:30ish… I dunno about havin’, like, 4:29 as tha length; that’s kinda long. My Rating: 4.1

09. “Go DJ”
What? 5:15? Don’t make me yawn! Or should I say, blow my nose, lay down wit my sore back, and more from my cold… >>> Damn, it took about a minute to get to tha rappin’? That still iz almost a minute longer than tha 3:30ish I wanted to only hear. I had to lay down and study tha rest of tha shit you rapped ‘cause of its length. You did a nice job on dis and you seem really positive and consistent ‘bout yourself. My Rating: 4.1

10. “Baby”
>>> Oh no, this beat for you… LOL, 3:36 length so you followed my goal—wit this song, lol. I dunno why tha original hook iz in this; at least it ain’t annoying and bleh like a Drake one. WTF? You spit only a verse and kept tha original vocals? How gay! That’s a deduction, even though you did a nice job rappin’ fast! My Rating: 2.8

11. “Maybach Music”
Oh no… >>> Oh no, over five minutes and tha hook again!! This one’s hook iz HELLA gay; don’t know why it’s always included!! Somewhat good rappin’ but I lose interest wit tha beat and tha gay hook included. Tha 3rd verse came through strong, at least! My Rating: 3.2

12. “Feelin’ Myself”
Let’s see what we got… >>> Lyrics sound pretty gay, sorry. What tha hell’s wit all these stupid hooks included? Tha 2nd verse picks up from tha gay start of tha 1st verse. Pretty shitty that I have to scroll and shit… My Rating: 2.3

13. “Not Afraid”
LOL… >>> Finally, no hook? You learned? Anyway, good, consistency here! Nice job holdin’ it down on this beat. My Rating: 3.9

14. “Belly” Feat. EGMG
>>> This sounds like shit in tha beginning and it’s over five minutes long? Your rhymes seem to be savin’ it; doesn’t sound too shitty, after all… Definitely anotha consistent set of rhymes here. I think I hear more people rappin’ on dis shit; no source? They seem pretty good ta be fuckin’ wit you. “We light up tha swishas.” Must be tha EGMG click or somethin’ ‘cause there’s so many of ‘em. Nice “weed” parts ‘round 3:14ish! I’ll credit them as EGMG on tha feature since tha “weed” dude at 3:14ish said, “East Gang Music.” What a lineup! My Rating: 4.4

15. “Hip Hop 4 Dummies”
Last song… >>> Sounds like it started off right away and iz soundin’ good. Consistent ending; nice job! Great job on how you held dis one down! My Rating: 4.3

Overall: I liked your last CD better. Tha beats, whether they were jacked or not, were better and more listenable for me. Not too bad on this, though.


15. “Betta Find My Luv” 1.6
14. “Feelin’ Myself” 2.3
13. “Baby” 2.8
12. “Maybach Music” 3.2
11. “Good Morning” 3.5
10. “Dueces” 3.7
09. “Not Afraid” 3.9
08. “East Side Mobbin’” 4.1
07. “Go DJ” 4.1
06. “Can’t Knoc The Hustle” 4.1
05. “B-Boy Stance” 4.2
04. “Power” 4.3
03. “Hip Hop 4 Dummies” 4.3
02. “Angels” 4.4
01. “Belly” Feat. EGMG 4.4

Average CD Rating Review:

Total Score: 54.9
Total Songs: / 15
Average CD Rating: 3.7

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