Sunday, December 19, 2010

Review #702: Lil' Cali & Foxx "Magnum Musik"

Reviewed on 12.19.2010 (Review #702)

Tha next review I finna do iz Lil’ Cali & Foxx “Magnum Musik; let’s see how HOT dis gon be!! Start Time: 12:36 PM | End Time: 1:47 PM

Quick Note: I rate each song from 1.0 – 5.0; each rating iz my own opinion!! I only please myself wit my ratings!! I don’t care how lyrical you are! As long as it’s jammin’ enough for me to like it! I look for beats, then vocals, and then lyrics. To determine my favorites, I will differ tha 4.0 ratings. If a song gets at least a 4.0 rating from me, I love it already. If at least a 4.6 rating, I pretty much REALLY LOVE it as it’s considered “mindblowin’” when I hear it. Any song can earn up to a maximum of a 5.0 rating. Anything I type before “ >>> ” iz what I’m sayin’ before I listen to tha song. Anything after I type “ >>> ” iz what I think of tha song while I’m listening to it.

© 2010 CD Review (Review #702) reviewed on 12.19.2010 by FrankieThaLuckyDog. Other than tha main artist or affiliated people with tha main artist, this review iz to not be used in anyone else’s words!

Source (Where I Got Tha CD From):

01. Magnum Musik (Intro)
Let’s get it! >>> DJ Scrap reppin’ in tha intro; sounds anticipatin’! My Rating: N/A

02. “I’m 2 Threw”
What kinda title iz dis? >>> What was that in tha beginning? Not anotha beat tag, lol? Interestin’ title here and tha hook’s tight! I think “threw” iz right ‘cause if you’re “thrown” off, “threw”’ll be tha right word. Good job, guys! Foxx, you were crazy on tha 1st verse wit tha spellin’ and how you’re “fucked up,” lol! Cali, you flow through nice on this, too! No source on who was on tha 3rd verse… My Rating: 4.4

03. “Bow” Feat. Carter Boy
LOL… >>> Tha hook iz kinda typical but has a better sound to it; I like how it was delivered. You doin’ a nice job on tha first two verses; good shit! LOL, no Foxx? What’s up wit these mysterious features? Oh, Carter Boy… Good shit ta hear from him, too! My Rating: 4.3

04. “Polo Down”
LOL again… >>> LOL, Foxx was all “Coogi” previously, lol. Now, it’s all “Polo”? Let’s see what y’all got ta say ‘bout dis! Sounds like an anthem here; good shit, Foxx! This iz like “Wipe Me Down”; I think I might like “Coogi Down” betta. Just Foxx on dis song? Would’ve been betta if it was both Foxx and Cali…; it’s kinda gettin’ too long now… My Rating: 4.2

05. “I’m Coolin’”
Hope it’s tha both of y’all! >>> Anotha unknown beat tag, ROFL… Sounds like a pretty nice joint here; likin’ tha hook! Cali did a nice job on tha 1st verse; really soundin’ cool here, lol! Different dude on tha 2nd verse? My bad dat I can’t tell any of Da Gremlins’s voices or anything but it was pretty good since he’s on tha hook, too. Good, Foxx’s on tha 3rd verse; an “asshole,” lol! My Rating: 4.3

06. “Fuckin’ Right” Feat. Savage
Yup! >>> Ooh, Savage hoppin’ on tha hook, doin’ tha damn thang!! It even sounds like he’s on tha beat, too; definitely tight! Good shit from Cali on tha 1st verse; “fuckin’ right”, lol. Foxx did tha damn thang on tha 2nd verse; comin’ through wit some energy on tha track! Savage even rappin’ on tha 3rd verse; dumb shit!! Really likin’ all tha explicit lyrics goin’ on here; thumbs up! My Rating: 4.4

07. “Ms. Gucci”
Keepin’ it goin’! >>> Still can’t tell who did tha beat; ROFL @ even havin’ beat tags! Where did dat start? Oh no, like tha “Polo Down” song, now, it’s all “Ms.” this, “Ms.” that, lol. Good job on tha hook, Foxx. Cali sounds much betta on tha 1st verse wit what he comin’ through wit. Foxx on tha 2nd verse and there’s catchiness in how he’s rappin’ to tha track; good job here! Damn, it ended kinda quick? My Rating: 4.2

08. “Another Hater”
>>> Tha same producer but a somewhat-slower start on tha beat. Sounds like a catchy concept for a smooth beat. Tha hook’s pretty cool wit Cali on it. My Rating: 4.0

09. Foxx & Quagmire Speak
Let’s hear what y’all gotta say… >>> Okay but what’s wit tha imaginary person? My Rating: N/A

10. “Jigga Train”
Looks like dis gon be pretty anticipatin’… >>> Tha beat intro sounds pretty nice, hot, and anticipatin’!! Tha hook’s pretty energetic; likin’ dis shit! Foxx doin’ a nice job on tha 1st verse, too, comin’ through wit all dis energy!! Foxx even doin’ tha damn thang on tha 2nd verse, too! Shit yea @ this joint; all about tha energy!!! LOL, Foxx on tha 3rd verse, too; I guess it’s just him doin’ tha damn thang on dis, lol. Nice job all tha way ‘round!! My Rating: 4.5

½time: Hot shit right chea from tha both of y’all!! It would’ve been GR8 if y’all put tha featured artists on tha back cover… Regardless, this iz a 4.3-rated CD so far!!

11. “On Everything” Feat. T2
Catchy title… >>> Tha beat start sounds hot once again!! What a catchy hook, lol. Nice job wit tha 1st verse from Cali, doin’ tha damn thang… Nice shit from Foxx, too, on tha 2nd verse; nothin’ but dat consistentness! My Rating: 4.4

12. “Whatever Bitch”
LOL @ this title! >>> Based off tha intro, I thought it was gonna be with a comma. But, just like tha “On Everything” song, it’s an “whatever bitch”, lol. Catchy shit; how come tha content’s clean here? Pretty good 1st verse, Foxx. Because it’s long, I have a feelin’ it just gon be Foxx on dis joint. I guess I was wrong, lol; Cali on tha 2nd verse, doin’ tha damn thang. Foxx on tha 3rd verse, doin’ what he does best fa describin’ dem bitches, lol. My Rating: 4.2

13. “Proud Of Me”
>>> A Wodieson production. I dunno if I gon accept how dis hook sounds, unfortunately. It’s an okay song but nothin’ special at all. My Rating: 2.5

14. “U Fumblin’” Feat. Savage
Looks like an interestin’ title… >>> I like tha Bounce rhythm in tha beginning of tha beat as well as tha Southern sound, too. Yay, Savage on tha hook, doin’ his thang once again!! Savage even rappin’ in tha 1st verse, doin’ tha damn thang fa tha 225! Savage makin’ dis joint a real good one; layin’ it down, smoothly! Foxx spittin’ dat good street shit in tha 2nd verse, keepin’ it consistent. Cali doin’ a nice job on tha 3rd verse; he keepin’ it street, too. My Rating: 4.4

15. Cali & Lil’ Buddy Speak
LOL, what a random person ta get? >>> Oh, this ain’t tha real Lil’ Buddy of tha Donkey Boys; dis a cartoon person again, smh. Interestin’ shit comin’ up! My Rating: N/A

16. “I Be Workin’” Feat. OJ Da Juiceman & DJ B-Real
>>> Good thing for my thumbs up; sounds like a Q-Red beat or somethin’! Almost sounds like Mouse in tha beginning or somethin’ or maybe DJ B-Real? Catchy hook; good job from whoeva dat exactly was! Cali doin’ a nice job on tha 1st verse; always a thumbs up when Cali touches a TIGHT beat! LOL, someone just quickly hopped onto tha 2nd verse outta nowhere, lol! “Young G” iz their name? They said it quickly toward tha end of tha verse, too, lol. They contributed pretty nice, too. A Cali solo since he’s on tha 3rd verse, too, lol. I like tha acapella ending; lol @ tha “chickens”! My Rating: 4.4

17. “Get Low”
>>> Must be a Foxx solo? I just assume… Sounds like dis gon be a jam or somethin’ based off tha fast beat intro. Oh, Foxx said Lil’ Cali’s on dis so it a collab. Tha hook’s really catchy; definitely likin’ dis! Tha energetic Foxx’s doin’ tha damn thang on tha 1st verse; glad ta hear some mo hot shit once again!! Here comes Cali on tha 2nd verse, spittin’ some catchy shit! Comin’ back ta Foxx on tha 3rd verse, keepin’ it goin’! My Rating: 4.3

18. “On My Grind” Feat. Carter Boy & Savage
DEFINITELY!! >>> Beat start iz pretty nice here, on a Southern vibe! Sounds like a Savage product—oh, just caught him on tha hook once again so you know he prolly produced dis HOT SHIT, too!! Nice 1st verse from Foxx, stayin’ “on [tha] grind”! Cali comin’ through wit tha tightness (and an attitude, too) on tha 2nd verse; keep it comin’, guys! Uh oh, Carter Boy comin’ through fa tha 3rd verse! Good shit from him collaboratin’, too! My Rating: 4.3

19. “Dreaming…”
Looks like an ending song; let’s hear it. >>> Anotha beat tag for tha start… Kinda soft here; let’s see how tha song will progress. This iz a Cali-type joint I’d expect ta hear on an album but I dunno about a mixtape/collab CD… Not too bad of a song; tha rhymes are here and tha catchiness (for a slow song)’s here, too. Foxx’s on tha 2nd verse, doin’ a pretty good contribution here with Cali… My Rating: 3.6

20. “Money Right” Feat. Level & Tank Jones
It says “Money Right” iz a bonus song. Then, what’s that “Goldmouth Dogg” song? Anyway, funny/REAL GLAD dis made it!!! Classic shit wit Level “doooooooooooooooooin’” his thang, lol!!! This sounds a lil’ remastered or somethin’ (accordin’ to Cali’s “PO UP!” part). Oh yea, forgot there were a coupla different versions. I wonder which version dis iz… Shit no, this version wit Cali on tha 2nd verse… Level’s verse (which iz tha 3rd on this one) doesn’t sound dat exciting… Wish it was tha version I heard on “Enemy Of The State”; not likin’ tha lazy sound/cut-off verse. And yea, tha cut-off verse from Tank Jones, too. My Current Rating: 4.5

21. “Goldmouth Dogg”
I googled this and it came up as goin’ wit tha “Money Right” title, but I don’t think it does. I couldn’t find it anywhere so I can’t judge dis one… My Rating: N/A

Overall: Y’all did a NICE job here!! Good job on tha collaboration CD!! Keep tha HOT music comin’!! Also, shout out to tha featured artists I couldn’t identify…


17. “Proud Of Me” 2.5
16. “Dreaming…” 3.6
15. “Another Hater” 4.0
14. “Ms. Gucci” 4.2
13. “Polo Down” 4.2
12. “Whatever Bitch” 4.2
11. “Bow” Feat. Carter Boy 4.3
10. “I’m Coolin’” 4.3
09. “On My Grind” Feat. Carter Boy & Savage 4.3
08. “Get Low” 4.3
07. “On Everything” Feat. T2 4.4
06. “I’m 2 Threw” 4.4
05. “U Fumblin’” Feat. Savage 4.4
04. “Fuckin’ Right” Feat. Savage 4.4
03. “I Be Workin’” Feat. OJ Da Juiceman & DJ B-Real 4.4
02. “Jigga Train” 4.5
01. “Money Right” Feat. Level & Tank Jones 4.5

Average CD Rating Review:

Total Score: 70.9
Total Songs: / 17 (counted)
Average CD Rating: 4.2

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