Sunday, December 19, 2010

Review #706: Ville Boyz "(Untitled)"

Reviewed on 12.19.2010 (Review #706)

Tha 8th review for today and it’s only tha 7 PM hour; I’m on tha grind!! Gotta do it BIG before tha year ends!! This iz an untitled CD (and tracklisting); here goes my review for Ville Boyz “(Untitled)! I heard this was an exclusive CD that’s nowhere but in tha hands of special people, such as JP, who forwarded it to me! Start Time: 7:27 PM | End Time: 8:34 PM

Quick Note: I rate each song from 1.0 – 5.0; each rating iz my own opinion!! I only please myself wit my ratings!! I don’t care how lyrical you are! As long as it’s jammin’ enough for me to like it! I look for beats, then vocals, and then lyrics. To determine my favorites, I will differ tha 4.0 ratings. If a song gets at least a 4.0 rating from me, I love it already. If at least a 4.6 rating, I pretty much REALLY LOVE it as it’s considered “mindblowin’” when I hear it. Any song can earn up to a maximum of a 5.0 rating. Anything I type before “ >>> ” iz what I’m sayin’ before I listen to tha song. Anything after I type “ >>> ” iz what I think of tha song while I’m listening to it.

© 2010 CD Review (Review #706) reviewed on 12.19.2010 by FrankieThaLuckyDog. Other than tha main artist or affiliated people with tha main artist, this review iz to not be used in anyone else’s words!

Link To CD: N/A

>>> Startin’ it off wit a Mod Productions beat and it sounds good. Definitely “[makin’] it clear” that they shouldn’t “take it there;” dumb shit! Sounds jammin’ on tha 1st verse, doin’ tha damn thang! Tha 2nd verse flows good, too; you know what it iz! DEFINITELY good fa jammin’ in tha car after I heard tha “traffic” line! Tha 3rd verse iz keepin’ dis shit goin’, too; definite plus! Ooh, there’s a 2nd part to tha 3rd verse and again, thumbs up to tha attitude! Nice lil’ beat interlude before tha final hook; that was a plus. My Rating: 4.6

Time fa tha 2nd joint on this CD; how will it go? >>> Ooh, only 2:56 on tha length and it’s soundin’ pretty nice for a start! I wonder who did dis beat? I thought I heard a “…on tha track” in tha background but I couldn’t ID them. I think I just heard dem again and they said, “Zeus;” was I right? This iz an ’08 song accordin’ to y’all? Tha hook’s definitely energetic; thumbs up/dumb shit!! This iz more on tha gangsta side; very consistent wit what y’all got! LOL @ tha “handicap parkin’ spot;” that desperate, huh, lol? Why does tha beat tag keep repeatin’ in tha back? Kinda gay? Tha 2nd verse sounds hella tight, too! Definitely soundin’ good right chea!! My Rating: 4.5

03. “Straight Stupid” Feat. Beezy Bird
>>> Oh, this, lol… Still sounds REAL GOOD wit dat Beezy Bird “bow, bow” sample in tha background and it turns out dat dis DJ B-Real-produced track turned out ta be a hit! Tha hook’s tight and all y’all REALLY hold down tha verses! I have a longer review of this twice online; it should be available somewhere. My Current Rating: 4.9

Let’s keep it goin’! >>> Soundin’ good once again on this Mod Productions beat! Catchy hook and nice job on tha 1st verse! Tha 2nd verse has dat street shit on lock; you know what it iz! Why did “Santa Claus never [come] to [y’all] town”? Tha 3rd verse sounds like an lol verse and a cocky attitude, lol. Good job, though (of course)! Y’all did tha damn thang on dis shit! My Rating: 4.5

What do we got here? >>> Oh shit, a SUPA-PRODUCED Savage beat!! Sounds like it gon be REAL TIGHT wit dis “Polo” subject!! Ugh, a “swag” song? This’ll be an exception ‘cause of tha tightness of tha Savage beat! Tha 1st verse sounds pretty tight—for what it iz. Nice job on tha 2nd verse, too; it almost sounded like Savage. Tha 3rd verse soundin’ pretty good, too; lol @ tha “[showin’] ass” ‘cause “Savage on tha beat.” Y’all showin’ him buku luv on tha verse. My Rating: 4.8

Damn, how can we continue from dat? >>> LOL, Big Wayne on tha beat this time!! Iz this like a compilation of tha BEST Ville Boyz songs, lol? This has ta be a lil’ old ‘cause of tha Big Wayne exposure! Sounds REAL, REAL NICE on tha hook!! “Clean as a whistle” to tha fullest!!! Tha beat’s pretty hot here—oh yea, in tha interview I did wit Big Wayne, he said he produced fa y’all; duh, lol. I guess when y’all hear a REAL TIGHT beat, y’all REALLY go off on it!! Tha 2nd verse sounds good fa bein’ “loaded”, lol. What’s tha difference between bein’ sober and loaded while rappin’? Iz there a sound difference? Switchin’ up to a 2nd part for tha 2nd verse, keepin’ it consistent! Tha length’s pretty nice here! If I can get some titles and years of tha tracks, I can prolly slip ‘em into my radio show, ya dig? Can’t do anything wit anything that’s untitled… My Rating: 4.9

Lucky #7; let’s get it!!! >>> LOL, anotha Mod Productions beat, soundin’ slower than tha Big Wayne beat but wit more sounds. LOL @ tha “smoke … drink … tho’ed … apes … drugged … thugs … crazy” hook; DEFINITELY nice!!! Y’all doin’ a NICE job in tha 1st verse, goin’ off!! Tha 2nd verse keepin’ it goin’ to tha fullest!! Just what y’all spittin’ and tha TIGHT-ASS production behind dis iz DEFINITELY what’s up!! Outta tha, like, 120 CDs I’m reviewin’ ‘til tha year ends, this HAS ta be tha BEST one outta ‘em all!!! Nice 3rd verse, too; NOTHIN’ wack ‘bout dis shit!! My Rating: 4.7

Almost to ½time; SKY-HIGH scores here!!! >>> A 307-second song? What do we got here? LOL, a feature from Young Wire in tha beginning; dumb shit!! LOL, “2008” again? Sounds like good throwbacks for my radio show! Talk about Southern TIGHTNESS here!!! Y’all REALLY goin’ off on tha 1st verse!! I like tha 2nd ½ of tha hook wit tha “when I’m drankin’” shit; SOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIGHT!!! No matter if you a sober dude or not!! Tha dude wit tha “drankin’” part iz on tha 2nd verse, spittin’ some HOT shit wit tha GR8 quality in tha mic!! Tha 3rd verse’s goin’ nuts, lol!! Just CRAZY shit here, lol!!! My Rating: 4.8

½time: WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! What a REAL, REAL, REAL HOT CD RIGHT HERE!!!!! So far, we’re at a 4.7 for tha CD rating; CRAZY!!!!!

How will tha 2nd ½ begin? >>> Ooh, really likin’ tha beat start!! LOL, anotha “’08” song? Funny… I guess this music was hidden in tha closet for a while now? Wow, talk about tha SOUTHERNESS IN THA HOOK!!!!! Just REALLY LUVIN’ how y’all comin’ through wit dis!!! Dat 1st verse (tha same dude from tha hook) just REALLY GOIN’ OFF!!!!! DEFINITELY some of tha BEST Baton Rouge shit I’ve eva heard!!!!! I DEFINITELY “know how [y’all] get down” fa BR!! LOL, did I hear, “YGz…,” on tha 2nd verse? I can’t tell if any group iz featured but if so, tell me. Tha 2nd verse iz definitely on some gangsta shit to tha fullest!! Tha 3rd verse sounds tight, too; what else can I say? Shout out ta dis Lil’ Frank dude! Why Garfield “pussy”? Confused… Oh, you mean he a cat? I see… My Rating: 4.9

>>> Tha beat’s a lil’ more quiet this time, lol. Just decent for a start. Sounds like everyone has ta have a song fa tha ladies? Tha 1st verse also iz decent; it flows pretty good on dis beat… Tha 2nd verse not too bad either. An aight 3rd verse, too. I don’t know what else ta say ‘bout dis one… My Rating: 3.8

>>> LOL, coughin’ in tha beginning… Uh oh, tha beat kicked in! I KNEW it was Big Wayne on tha beat!! Shit yea, tha hook’s DEFINITELY official!!! Since I heard, “YGz,” again, I gon consider them a feature (same wit tha previous song I heard “YGz” said)! Shit yea, this song HAS tha Big Wayne beat pattern!!! Now I know dis iz definitely ’08 ‘cause of how he retired (why?) that beat pattern. Should’ve kept it ‘cause dat’s REALLY where tha quality’s at!! DEFINITELY LUV tha Southern voices when it comes ta tha rappin’, ya dig?!? Ooh, I officially hear a Young Guerilla on tha 2nd verse (Lil’ Head), doin’ his thang wit y’all! All y’all do a GR8—“nuts hang”, lol? Funny wit how it was said outta nowhere! GR8 job I finna say; y’all just keep it goin’!! Tha 2nd ½ of tha 2nd verse’s tight, too! All about havin’ a REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL GR888888888888888888888 TIMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! What “nerve bad” drink/kush y’all on, lol? LOL, tha song randomly cut off? My Rating: 4.9

>>> I knew dis one had ta be Q-Red on tha beat; just recognized tha beginning’s sound! LOL @ his beat tag; different? Definitely has ta be ’08… Tha hook sounds nice wit tha Eazy-E sample; good shit here! Tha 1st verse iz nice; once again, y’all enjoyin’ how y’all livin’! This time, y’all enjoyin’ y’allselves in ya carz!! Dat’s a bet! Tha 2nd ½ of tha 1st verse has more energy; feelin’ it!! Tha 2nd verse almost sounds like a feature for some reason. But, because y’all a group, I just consider it a whole “group” thang. I like tha drug-related shit goin’ on here as well as tha ridin’ lyrics, too. Tha 3rd verse gangsta to tha bone; you know what it iz! My Rating: 4.7

How will #13 go? >>> ROFL @ tha Big Wayne tag this time. Uh oh, Level on tha feature, too! Sounds like anotha crazy joint; already gets a plus! I don’t even need ta comment on tha remainin’ 207 seconds! Buku jiggin’ on tha 1st verse, doin’ a NICE job deliverin’ dis shit!! Tha Big Wayne beat pattern’s back again!! I dare to ask him, “what happened to your beat pattern?” It’s almost like Lady GaGa losin’ her style; nobody wants dat to happen!!!!! Tha 2nd verse sounds real tight wit all tha different color pillz! I wonder what they all look like; I can just imagine… Then again, I briefly saw ‘em. But, it’s like rare Beanie Babies: what do they look like in person? Here comes Level on tha 3rd verse, just goin’ nuts once again! I think he more energetic now but he, like, 99% how he iz now so you know he on his shit! My Rating: 4.8

>>> LOL, Yung Joc sample. Iz dat tha “The Way I Live” dude on tha beat? Couldn’t exactly tell who it iz… Sounds like someone different in tha 1st verse? Definitely luvin’ it, regardless; dat 2-2-5!! “Yea, my pants sag low;” gotta luv tha attitudes of tha 225!! Dat Lil’ Frank dude’s back on tha 2nd verse, lol. Keepin’ dis shit interestin’ wit all tha 225-related shit goin’ on; you know what it iz! A 2nd part to tha 2nd verse… Still sounds pretty good; luvin’ tha attitudes once again! “They call” tha dude on tha 3rd verse “Lil’ 23”? Did I hear right? Rims really define names, lol! I like tha clothes that he wears; dumb shit! My Rating: 4.5

Wow, this TERRIFIC CD iz almost over; what I gon do without it? >>> A Mod Productions beat dat’s 5:25? What do we got here… Oh wow, dat Young Ready-type flow from tha ’06 dayz dat I’m luvin’!! Paranoid/gangsta tip here; DUMB SHIIIIIT!!!!! DEFINITELY feelin’ tha shit comin’ outta tha 1st verse; all about livin’ dat 225 life!! VERY, VERY GOOD shit to tha fullest!!! I CAN’T explain any further how much I LUV dis kinda shit!!! Tha 2nd verse’s followin’ where tha 1st verse left off, keepin’ dat “paranoid” G-shit comin’ ‘long!! Tha 3rd verse gangsta to tha bone!! LOL, still 1:38 left; how will tha 4th verse go? Still pretty good but always 225-reppin’ to tha bone!!! My Rating: 4.6

#16. >>> WTF? Why did it go from tha REAL HOT shit to this “Pushin’” beat dat was used 12378413028130213720138+ times?!? Good rhymes but I have a complete loss of passion right now. Tha 2nd verse iz pretty good, too. “Nineteen wit two kids;” a lil’ crazy? Tha 3rd verse sounds like a Pop approach; not bad… My Rating: 3.6

Endin’ it with… >>> An outro from Barber Shop Black. Again wit tha jacked beats (“Dis Morning”). Not gay this time so maybe, there’ll be a chance for me. Not too bad on tha rappin’ again; should’ve just ended at #15. Pretty good job wit tha verses; I liked tha last one tha best. My Rating: 4.0

Overall: DEFINITE HOTNESS TO THA FULLEST!!! Only two songs were a lil’ weird for me but other than dat, what a REAL GR8 job y’all did!!! Keep up tha REAL GR8 work as y’all fuck wit tha BEST in producers and REAL GR8 features!!! What up, Young Wire?


17. Track 16 – 3.6
16. Track 10 – 3.8
15. Track 17 – 4.0
14. Track 02 – 4.5
13. Track 04 – 4.5
12. Track 14 – 4.5
11. Track 01 – 4.6
10. Track 15 – 4.6
09. Track 07 – 4.7
08. Track 12 – 4.7
07. Track 13 – 4.8
06. Track 08 – 4.8
05. Track 05 – 4.8
04. “Straight Stupid” Feat. Beezy Bird 4.9
03. Track 09 – 4.9
02. Track 11 – 4.9
01. Track 06 – 4.9

Average CD Rating Review:

Total Score: 77.5
Total Songs: / 17
Average CD Rating: 4.6

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